CutTime Basics
CutTime is the system RVMB uses to keep track of contact info, send emails, and track RVMB financials. Band and Orchestra students must sign up to receive important information and to pay the Marching Band or Orchestra fees.
Need a Login: Go to New Families and complete the Membership form. You will receive a text once your information has been entered into CutTime; this text (or "magic link," as CutTime calls them) will connect you to your CutTime account. See a detailed outline below of how to set up your CutTime account.
Need Help? Contact Susan Kiker (
Pay Band, Orchestra, and/or Guard Fees
Click your Magic Link (available in your texts or emails, depending on your chosen setting), and scroll down the CutTime page until you see the Financial Summary. It will be after Announcements, Events, Inventory Assignments, and Documents.
Below your student's financial summary, there's a green button to "Make a Payment." Click it and follow the instructions. That's it!
Setting Up Your CutTime Account
1. First off, your CutTime experience will start with a welcome message to the student and guardian with a “magic link” to get you started.
While a username and password are authentication conventions that have existed since the 1980s, CutTime uses a newer, more seamless way to authenticate a user called "magic links," which have been around for about a dozen years, which means no more usernames and passwords for guardians and students.
The text message you will receive will look similar to the below:
2. After the guardian or student clicks the magic link, which opens in their mobile or desktop browser, they're asked to trigger the pin code to authenticate their device.
3. The student and guardian will come back to that page and enter the pin code sent to them.
4. Once the student or guardian has entered the code, the "My Student" page loads.
5. And that’s it! You’re now set up to access all our communications throughout the year, which will include events, information, and volunteer needs - and all that information, including past messages, will all be visible at all times in your CutTime account under Announcements at the top of the My Student page.
Please note that communications from RVMB will ONLY arrive as a CutTime text message with a magic link; there won’t be any more emails directly through the membership platform, nor can we set the text message to include any details about the message itself. You will need to click the link to access the platform to read the message.
However, anyone can opt out of receiving text messages to instead receive an EMAIL from CutTime with a magic link to access the platform to read future messages. It's always about the magic links with CutTime - but you can decide which way you receive those links. We will continue to be thoughtful about how many messages we send you!