Ralston Valley Music Boosters
Who We Are
The Ralston Valley High School Music Boosters (RVMB) is the RVHS booster organization supporting instrumental music students, including all band and orchestra programs. We provide financial assistance with instruments, instructors and clinicians, transportation, food, entry fees, music, and special learning opportunities for the students. Our main purpose is to ensure the success of RVMB and maximize the opportunities for RVHS instrumental music students. If you have questions regarding the instrumental program, volunteer opportunities, or RVMB feel free to contact any one of the board members.
Mission Statement
Promote the quality, growth and advancement of the Ralston Valley High School Instrumental Music Program, it’s students and faculty, morally, physically and financially through the dedicated volunteering of our personal time.
RVMB Board of Directors
Amber Campo - President
Ulli Kitzing - Vice President
Open - Secretary
Cheri Hand - Treasurer
Open - Assistant Treasurer
Susan Kiker - Membership Chair
Andrew Redenbarger - Band Chair
Jaime Burrus - Orchestra Chair
Marie Rotter - Fundraising Chair
Emily Ellet - Communications
Committee Chairs
Alicia Smith - Hospitality Chair
Kate Erickson - Uniform Chair
Jennifer Black - Photographer and Social Media
Sara Metz - Sponsorship, RaiseRight, Butter Braids, and Mustang Music Mondays
Andrew Redenberger - Props Crew Chair
Open - Webmaster
Diane Ben-Avraham - Awards & Scholarships
Open - Pit Crew Chair
Clay Stansberry - Transportation Chair
Open Positions: Barnes & Noble, Mattress Fundraiser
We need help from everyone at least a few times per season!
New Member Intake Form
Please complete the New Member Intake Form so we can add you to all our communications! Once you are setup with a CutTime account, use CutTime to keep all your contact information up to date.
Reach out to President Amber Campo at ambercampo@gmail.com.