Charms Basics

Charms is the system RVMB uses to keep track of contact info, send emails, and track RVMB financials. Band and Orchestra students must sign up to receive important information and to pay the Marching Band or Orchestra fees.

Need a Login: Go to New Families and complete the Membership form. You will receive a school code and Charms student ID number for initial login. 

Forgot Your Login: Contact Brook Erwin (

Need Help? Contact Brook Erwin (

Login to Charms

Go to

Click “Login” and click on “Parents/Students/Members”

Enter the School Code: rvmusic. Click "Enter Parent Area"

Enter your password in the Student Area Password and click "Enter"

Pay Marching Band or Orchestra Fees

In the upper left corner, select the red "Finances" button.

All Fees will be under "Student Miscellaneous Ledger Detail". Click "Make Miscellaneous Payment". 

The Marching Band and Orchestra Fees can be paid by Credit Card through Charms, all at once, in monthly installments, or through fundraisers with any balance due May 1.  Any fundraising money earned this year above the amount needed will be carried forward to next year.  If Seniors have extra funds at the end of the year, it can be rollover over to a younger sibling; otherwise, it will help the general RVMB fund.

Update Account Information or Change Password

In the upper left corner, select the blue "Student Info" button

Choose Personal Information to update the Student's information, update parent information, or to add a new contact. Click the green "Update" button to save changes. 

Choose Change Password to update your password. Click the green "Change Password" button to confirm the change.